The first Viet Nam- Korea technical seminar on information and communications

Thứ tư, 15/12/2010 00:00

The first Viet Nam- Korea technical seminar was co- organized by Hanoi University of Technology (HUT) and Korea Information and Communications Society (KICS) on 14 December, 2010. Attending the seminar were Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Thanh Hung, Vice Rector of HUT Ha Duyen Tu, Chairman of KICS Eun- Soo Kim, members of association and experts in information and communications sector.


The technical seminar on information and communications sector lasted three days from 14- 16 December, 2010 focusing on discussing issues such as communications network and service, wireless communications theory and system.
“Hanoi University of Technology has established closely studying and training tights with over 40 Korean universities and enterprises. This seminar is one of the cooperative programs with Korea Information and Communications Society, especially on the occasion of establishment of KICS branch in Vietnam”, Vice Rector of HUT said
Chairman of KICS affirmed that the establishment of KICS branch in Ha Noi is to lengthen and strengthen cooperation between two countries. KICS branch in Hanoi would boost process of sharing experience on modern information technology in the domain of learning and practice.
KICS, the Korea leading institute on communications sector which has nearly 20,000 members, branches in developed countries such as America, China and is going to establish branches in Asia Pacific area. HUT has focused on preferably develop electronics, ICTs sector which has strong growth in fact. The cooperation between two sides was specified by the first Viet Nam- Korea technical seminar on information and communications and signing cooperation document. Both sides expressed that the seminar would become annual event and there would be more cooperation programs not only boost research in ICTs sector but also in management policy and standardization.
At the seminar, the two- year member Certificate of Executive Board of KICS Vietnam was awarded by Chairman of KICS to staffs, lecturers of HUT.




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